10 Top Party Colleges in The USA
You're deciding on what college to attend, and one of the main factors considered is that it "must be a place where I can live a life of partying".
So you're able to unleash the fucking party animal within that everyone bows down to, huh?
We got you, mate. While everyone wants you to put their hands on that bullshit diploma, you just want to enjoy life while you're young, wild, and free. That college life.
Life is more than just learning how to calculate formulas. We're here to teach how to score better.
Yes, your time of freedom has come.
College is the place where partying never stops. But at some of them, you can get your master's degree in having a good life.
From crazy bonfire parties to top secret frat get-togethers, we listed the 10 top party colleges in USA to make memories you'll want to forget (or not) some years from now.
Time to slay school, ya bloody legend! Soak up in the knowledge that matters.
What makes a party school a real party school anyway?
Just cut loose and get wild? Hell yea! Well… you also need to graduate and earn a degree of respect in society.
We're guessing you'll be making more room for the first option, the party scene, but try to keep both together, mate.
Party schools or party colleges are institutions where you can graduate, get a good education, have the college life, but they're known for the number of nose beers, kick ons, and good days you'll have.
How are they different from regular ones? Well, you end up graduating in academic studies and studies of how to live life as well. A smart mate like you should want it all.
But which one will handle such a legend like you?
How to choose your party college?
Although you are going to choose your college based on very subjective factors (trying to stay with your boo? Looking forward to re-affirm that hottest in town badge? Love is love…), we should point out some important decision-makers.
Life outside the campus
It's not only about the college. It's also about the city you're in, and not everything happens on campus.
Be it in a college town or a big city, consider this: are there local bars? Are there other social outlets? What about concerts and festivals? Do you have friends that live nearby? Do other college students like it?
Frats & sororities
We know that the real deal is in frats and sororities, so get acquainted with the greek life.
The more frats and sororities a school has, the more options of partying and expanding your network.
Remember: this is not a rank. This is a bundle of possibilities for you to discover places to do very well at school. Stay tuned to what we're pointing out.
Here's the list of 10 top party colleges throughout the country. We saved a special spot at the end for the state that is known by students as the one to party.
Check the 10 top party colleges in the USA
#1 West Virginia University
The highlights
This one was ranked as the number 1 university for partygoers, in 2021. In the same research, WVU also topped the "Lots of beer" list. Talk about knowing what to drink to enjoy life.
You can even drink beer inside the stadium (here's hoping you're still allowed by the time you're reading this listicle!).
Number of frats and sororities: 25 recognized and 11 independent frats
Graduation rate: 59%
Acceptance rate: 84%
#2 Florida International University
The highlights
Want to party internationally? FIU appeals to students all over the world. With a great party scene, it has its own EDM festival called SummerFest, held every year.
Yes, these guys do know how to party.
Number of frats and sororities: more than 35
Graduation rate: 74%
Acceptance rate: 58%
#3 Syracuse University
The highlights
Syracuse University was founded in 1831. Considered one of the best party schools in the USA, it is located in the cool city of Syracuse, NY, and has a lot of bars and clubs.
Also, the city has festivals in May and April, like Juice Jam Festival, which will add extra points to your fun.
Number of frats and sororities: more than 30
Graduation rate: 83%
Acceptance rate: 69%
#4 Florida State University
The highlights
Another one from Florida. With more than 29.000 students on campus, Florida State University offers many options for bars.
More than that, Florida State University is known for its residence hall parties, restaurants, and clubs.
Number of frats and sororities: 54
Graduation rate: 82%
Acceptance rate: 32%
#5 University of Illinois Urbana Champagne
The highlights
26 Pulitzer Prize winners and 23 Nobel Laureates attended this school. That's interesting data for you if you consider that party life follows academic life achievements.
In controversial research, Princeton Review declared in 2022 thatUniversity of Illinois Urbana Champagne is the top party college in the USA based on 380 colleges and 136.000 student surveys.
Number of frats and sororities: 59 frats and 36 sororities
Graduation rate: 84%
Acceptance rate: 63%
#6 Ohio State University
The highlights
Ohio State University is considered one of the top 10 party schools in USA by Playboy magazine (talk about having a fun lifestyle).
Get ready to score at beer pong tables (and way more, if you know what I mean) and to attend big college parties.
What else? More than 18 bars are nearby the campus and a street literally named "Bong Street" by students.
Their Halloween parties are so crazy big they're even sponsored by a caffeinated product's brand. Stay up all fucking night, you beauty!
Number of frats and sororities: 29 fraternities and 17 sororities
Graduation rate: 83%
Acceptance rate: 63%
#7 Tulane University
The highlights
Not so much internationally, but inside the country and, especially in Louisiana, Tulane University is THE spot to party hard while in college. It couldn't be different, since it is located in THE party city in the country, NOLA.
Over here, you'll get 45% of students' participation in greek life! They don't just get drunk; they party with a purpose.
Number of frats and sororities: 24 recognized fraternities
Graduation rate: 85%
Acceptance rate: 11%
Cali Sun & Fun: 3 top party schools in California
Because we match with Cali lifestyle (come on, beach, tanning, and nose beers? We're down!), we reserved 3 special spots for top party colleges in California.
#1 San Diego State University
The highlights
Although it's known for its spoiled girls' vibes, at San Diego State University, girls and guys get flashy for other reasons than looking cute.
According to Playboy magazine, their motto is "study hard, party harder".
Number of frats and sororities: 40
Graduation rate: 74%
Acceptance rate: 37%
The highlights
This is the capital of world entertainment, guys. Wild nightlife is just another name for a night in (or out of) the campus.
Also, UCLA holds 1200 different clubs and student organizations. 96% of freshmen live on campus, which makes it perfect for a party network, as you'll start to recognize faces.
Number of frats and sororities: 66
Graduation rate: 90%
Acceptance rate: 14%
#3 University of Southern California
The highlights
It's hot in and out of the campus, so being just a couple of hours away from Malibu beach doesn't hurt. That is one of the places you can party at USC: the crazy bonfires we talked about at first? Here they are.
Not in the mood? No worries: the greek life plays a huge role here, with over a quarter of students attending frats or sororities.
Want to play smooth? Enjoy the Late Night 'SC gatherings, a series of night activities provided by the school.
Number of frats and sororities: 48
Graduation rate: 92%
Acceptance rate: 66%
A final tip on how to enjoy party colleges
It doesn't matter what party school you'll attend, being them public universities or private ones, meeting your mates and having small traditions with them will keep you on top of your game with your social skills at college.
Some things that can help you thrive in party schools:
- Have regular meetings to search where the parties are at- Having internal jokes and codes only you understand
- Making a statement with your clothing and apparel
Got a tip for us too? Go ahead and spread the word, ya bloody legend. Share it and get Nastee!