10 Ace Places to Nap on Campus After a College Party
Had a ripper of a night at a college party and now you’re feeling like a dingo's breakfast? No worries, mate! Whether you're nursing a hangover that could knock out a kangaroo or just need a cheeky kip, I've scouted out the top spots on campus where you can crash and burn (in the best way possible) to recover from last night’s antics.
The Library’s Ghost Town Floor
Silence is golden, especially when your head feels like it’s been through a cyclone...or a college party.
Find the quietest floor in the library, cozy up in a corner, and snooze off the remnants of last night’s chaos.
After a College Party, Hit the Wellness Center Sanctuary
Swing by the wellness center, where they often have dedicated quiet rooms. It’s the ultimate hangover haven—peaceful, quiet, and perfect for a recovery nap.
Under the Old Gum Tree
Nothing beats a bit of fresh air to clear your head. Find a shady spot under a tree, lay back, and let nature’s calm wash over you. Pure bliss.
Student Union Snooze Lounge
The student union is a treasure trove of comfy lounges, especially quiet during early mornings. Perfect for a cheeky nap when you need it most.
The Arty Hideaway
Campus art gallery, anyone? It's usually quiet and serene—a great place to recover while being surrounded by a bit of culture. Plus, you can pretend you’re just deeply appreciating the art.
Chapel Chill-Out
The campus chapel offers a quiet refuge where you can lay low and recuperate in silence. Divine intervention for your hangover.
Secret Classroom Nooks
If you’re in the know about the class schedules, you can find an empty classroom. These spots are primo for uninterrupted sleep.
Rooftop Garden Retreat
Got a rooftop garden on campus? It’s usually quiet, with plenty of fresh air—ideal for getting over last night’s shenanigans. Nap with a view!
Backstage at the Auditorium
The area behind the auditorium can be surprisingly quiet, especially if there are no events scheduled. A perfect hideaway for a quick recovery nap.
The Quad Grass
Lay down a blanket and nap right on the quad grass. It’s perfect for a sunny day recovery session. Nothing like a bit of nature to cure what ails ya.
There you have it—ten perfect nap spots on campus to retreat to after a raucous college party. Secure your belongings, set a short alarm, and you’ll wake up ready to tackle whatever’s next—maybe even another party tonight!